This Avocado Lemon Ginger Smoothie Effectively Burns Fat, Fights Cancer And Removes Heavy Metals

If you’re looking for a great breakfast smoothie or afternoon pick-me-up, look no further. This avocado lemon ginger smoothie not only provides your body with beneficial nutrients to keep you on your game, but it also helps burn fat, fight cancer, and remove heavy metals at the same time.
Although avocados are technically a “fatty food” they contain healthy plant-based fats that actually have a beneficial effect on the body. The monounsaturated fats in avocado are burned at a higher rate than other types of fats, and they may actually increase the rate at which fat is burned. In addition, these fats may also cause your body to burn more calories after eating, and can reduce appetite and decrease the desire to eat more after a meal.
I also love adding cilantro into smoothies, because of its heavy-metal chelating effects. Heavy metals are connected with many serious health problems like cancer, heart disease, brain deterioration, emotional problems, kidney disease, lung disease and weak bones. Chemical compounds in cilantro have the ability to bind to toxic metals and loosen them from tissues. This is particularly important to include in your diet with the amount of radiation and pollution present in today’s world.
Pretty much every ingredient in this smoothie is also beneficial for fighting cancer. By raising your immunity, these ingredients help combat pathogens like viruses, bacteria and carcinogens. Avocado is particularly a great source of the master antioxidant glutathione, which aids in scavenging and destroying free radicals, which can lead to diseases like cancer.
Avocado Lemon Ginger Smoothie Recipe
– 1 cup packed spinach
– 1 cup packed kale
– 2 cups ripe pineapple
– 1 cup cilantro
– 1/2 cup cucumber
– 1 avocado, pitted and peeled
– 1 inch fresh ginger root
– 1 lemon, peeled
– 1 cup coconut water
Stick all of the above ingredients into a blender, and blend until smooth. Enjoy!
Although avocados are technically a “fatty food” they contain healthy plant-based fats that actually have a beneficial effect on the body. The monounsaturated fats in avocado are burned at a higher rate than other types of fats, and they may actually increase the rate at which fat is burned. In addition, these fats may also cause your body to burn more calories after eating, and can reduce appetite and decrease the desire to eat more after a meal.
I also love adding cilantro into smoothies, because of its heavy-metal chelating effects. Heavy metals are connected with many serious health problems like cancer, heart disease, brain deterioration, emotional problems, kidney disease, lung disease and weak bones. Chemical compounds in cilantro have the ability to bind to toxic metals and loosen them from tissues. This is particularly important to include in your diet with the amount of radiation and pollution present in today’s world.
Pretty much every ingredient in this smoothie is also beneficial for fighting cancer. By raising your immunity, these ingredients help combat pathogens like viruses, bacteria and carcinogens. Avocado is particularly a great source of the master antioxidant glutathione, which aids in scavenging and destroying free radicals, which can lead to diseases like cancer.
Avocado Lemon Ginger Smoothie Recipe
– 1 cup packed spinach
– 1 cup packed kale
– 2 cups ripe pineapple
– 1 cup cilantro
– 1/2 cup cucumber
– 1 avocado, pitted and peeled
– 1 inch fresh ginger root
– 1 lemon, peeled
– 1 cup coconut water
Stick all of the above ingredients into a blender, and blend until smooth. Enjoy!